Thursday 24 May 2012

Online English & Doncaster College Virtual Classroom

We're pleased to announced that we can now offer online English classes.

These classes will include online modules which students study independently plus 1 hour per week live tuition with a Doncaster College English tutor in the Virtual Classroom.

Available courses are as follows:

English for IELTS
Business English
General English
Survival (Beginners') English
English for IT
English for Hospitality
English for Health/Nursing

Please contact for more information.

Monday 2 April 2012

English Summer School at Doncaster College, Yorkshire, England

I've just completed this year's Summer School leaflet. It will run from June 25th to July 20th, and as well as classroom tuition and projects, there will be a trip every Friday to interesting places such as York, Manchester, the Peak District and Whitby. It's sure to be a fun 4 weeks so contact me if you're interested.

Accommodation and meals are available at our High Melton campus. Click the image above to download the course leaflet.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

29/03/12 & 30/03/12 - Six Characters in Search of an Author @ Harvey Theatre, High Melton

On Thursday 29th and Friday 30th March the 1st and 2nd year students on BA (Hons) Contemporary Performance Practice at University Centre, High Melton will be performing "Six Characters in Search of an Author" in the Harvey Theatre at 1.30 and 7pm. This show is a collaboration between BA (Hons) Fashion and Textiles students, who have designed and made the costumes, 2nd year Theatre students, who will be performing part of their work-in-progress for their final year Theatre Practice performance and our 1st year students for whom "Six Characters" is their main show this year.

"Six Characters in Search of an Author" was written by Luigi Pirandello and first staged in 1921. Our version is a shortened adaptation which includes a play within a play and a few jokes on the theatre profession! The total running time for the show is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Entry is free to staff and students; £3 to the public.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

New Facebook group launched

This week I've launched a new Facebook group page for former, current and future international students and friends.

Feel free to join the group - click here to visit.

Monday 20 February 2012

'Les Mecs' complete 4 week placement

8 French motor mechanics have completed a 4 week Leonardo exchange at Doncaster College.

The students, from Jospeh Cugnot Lycée, near Paris worked in garages in Doncaster, and also studies English at The Hub on Wednesday afternoons.

Things they enjoyed in Doncaster included the nightlife and going karting in Mexborough; on the other hand, they said they didn't like the weather and the food.

Doncaster college hosts students from the Cugnot school every year in January and February.

Monday 23 January 2012

Forthcoming Events at Doncaster College

Performances at High Melton
This week (23/01/12 to 26/01/12) our 3rd year BA (Hons) Contemporary Performance Practice and BA (Hons) Creative Music Technology students will perform some experimental interdisciplinary shows for their final performances. Entry is free, and the times are below:

Monday (Harvey Theatre) 11am & 6.30pm
Tuesday (Harvey Theatre) 2pm
Wednesday (Harvey Theatre) 11am; (Dance Studio) 10am & 6pm
Thursday (Harvey Theatre) 10am & 6pm.

Audio-visual night at Student Bar, High Melton

On Wednesday February 8th (evening) there will be a special audio-visual night with a guest appearance from acclaimed VJ Steve G
Students from Creative Music Technology Year 1 are also performing a variety of live Audio-Visual performances.

This is a great opportunity to see some stunning audio-visual work – apparently “we won't have seen anything like it.”!

International Women’s Day at The Hub
On Thursday 8th March there will be an event at The Hub in aid of local women’s charity Platform 51 as part of International Women’s Day – everyone welcome.

The aim is to raise students’ awareness of the different cultures in college and the wider community. The international office will have a stand there, so please come along to say hello.

Also, would anyone like to have their own stall at the event, and display crafts from your country? The college can provide you with materials. Please let me know - Ben.

Saturday 21 January 2012

University Centre, High Melton map

And here's a handy map of the University Centre, High Melton campus