Tuesday 29 November 2011

Chat Live service launched

“Chat Live” is a system which allows people to ask questions and have a discussion in real time. After the chat, the details of the discussion can be published for future reference.

I will be starting the next Chat Live session on Tuesday 6th December between 09:30 and 11:30 GMT – please feel free to register to chat and ask any question about Doncaster College, including:

- Course details
- Tuition fees
- Admission process
- Entry requirements

Click here to register for Chat Live

Monday 21 November 2011

01/12/11 - Carol Concert at St. James Church, High Melton

Come and enjoy Readings, Carols and Music at the above Service on Thursday 1 December 2011, at 12.00 noon until 1.00 pm.

Warm mince pies and hot coffee will be served after the Service. Everyone is very welcome!

Monday 24 October 2011

Doncaster College Wins Regional Award

Doncaster College has received an award for its development in further and higher educational products for the international market.

The College was awarded the Regional Achievement in International Business Award for its bespoke training, consultancy, development of education tools and it’s marketing of UK education overseas.

The College is now a finalist in its category for a national prize in the Chamber Awards hosted by the British Chambers of Commerce, which were created to celebrate the UK’s most successful businesses. The College has the chance, as well, to collect the Award for Outstanding Business Achievement.

John Longworth, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said, "The health of the UK’s economy relies upon the confidence of our businesses to grow, invest and create jobs. That’s why the British Chambers of Commerce has been working hard to ensure government makes good on its promises to encourage enterprise, and do everything in its power to help businesses grow."

Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Solutions 4 Cleaning and Anglo European Express, all based in Doncaster, were also awarded similar awards in their categories.

Friday 21 October 2011

Doncaster College International visits Hangzhou, China

Last week Doncaster College's international office attended the China Hangzhou Internatioanl Fair on Cultural & Creative Industries. It was a great chance to meet lots students and tell them about some of the Creative Arts courses that we run, as well as appear on Chinese television, as several channels were covering the event.

It was also a chance to meet with our partner colleges, in Hangzhou - the Jianbin Vocational School (pictured) and Hangzhou University of Design & Communication, and discuss and agree on some exciting student exchange and project work which will be continued together.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Tunisian Competition Winners Visit Doncaster College

Back row from left: Sawsen Bsila, Malek Hammer, Barbara Brodigan (Doncaster College), Ben Hales (Doncaster College), and Ameni Ben Arab. Front row from left: Amel Abdennebi Rehaien (British Council), George Trow ( Principal, Doncaster College), Mariem Ben Hadj Ali, and Mohamed Aymen Khelifi.
Five Tunisian students visited Doncaster College after winning the Enterprise Challenge Award, set up by the British Council.

The group won an all expenses paid trip to Doncaster College to see social enterprises in action and learn about enterprise skills.

Around 200 students took part in the competition, aged between 16 and 25.

Mariem Ben Hadj Ali, Ameni Ben Arab, Mohamed Aymen Khelifi, Malek Hammar, and Sawsen Bsila entered the challenge, which was to develop an environmentally friendly enterprise idea. The students won the challenge with their idea of ‘Mobile Camping Services’.

Whilst in the UK, the group visited St Catherine’s Walled Garden, Adwick Community Enterprise, Doncaster CVS, ReFurnish and the Forest School, which is based at University Centre Doncaster, High Melton. They also toured Doncaster College and met Principal and Chief Executive, George Trow.

They were accompanied on the visit by Amel Abdennebi Rehaien of the British Council.

All five students are studying Business, International Trade and Accountancy in their second year at College Le Centre Sectoriel de Formation aux Métiers du Tertiarie de Gammath in Tunisia.

The British Council believe that the way forward for Tunisia is to develop its new democracy through entrepreneurship and creating social enterprises.

They hope that the student’s visit to Doncaster College provided them with an overview of what Enterprise skills are, give them a chance to develop entrepreneurial skills through practical activities and see social enterprises in action through visits.

The visit was covered by the local newspaper, the Doncaster Free Press:

Thursday 15 September 2011

Doncaster College University Centre Freshers' Week Timetable 2011

See below for details of next week's Freshers' Week events (click the image to enlarge).

Also, there will be a Family Fun Day on Sunday 25th.

Thursday 8 September 2011

High Melton Gym Open Day 14th September

On Wednesday 14th September 11am - 2pm there will be an open day at the gym (located in the Pavilion building) to give all staff the opportunity to take a look around the facility.

- All staff can have a free session at the gym if they wish.

- Any questions you may have about the gym can be answered.

- Register your interest on the day and receive a FREE WEEK PASS for the opening week (26th - 30th Sept)

Check out the Pavilion's facebook site.

Thursday 1 September 2011

New High Melton Shuttle Bus Times 2011/12

The Hub to High Melton
High Melton to The Hub

Click here for the times of the public bus.

Thursday 14 April 2011

English Summer School - 27 juni tot 22 juli 2011

The following translation was provided by Danja, a Dutch student who is currently undertaking work experience with us.

Wil jij jouw Engels verbeteren voor werk of plezier? Doncaster College biedt een cursus aan waar jij samen met medestudenten van over de hele wereld jouw Engels kan verbeteren tijdens de zomervakantie. Zo krijg je van maandag tot vrijdag 15 uur per week les. De lessen worden gegeven door leraren die veel ervaring hebben op het gebied van les geven aan studenten wereldwijd. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van interactieve lessen, online hulpmiddelen, boeken en spelletjes om het lesgeven gevarieerd en interessant te maken. Over het algemeen zullen deze lessen in de ochtend plaatsvinden, zodat je s’middags kan genieten van uitstapjes en activiteiten in de omgeving.

Ook zal er elke week een trip (optioneel) georganiseerd worden naar historische en interssante plekken zoals York, Chatsworth en Sheffield. Verder is er ook nog een optie om een extra cursus golf en tennis toe te voegen tijdens jouw verblijf hier in Doncaster.

Informatie: Voor meer informatie kan je contact opnemen met de International Office international@don.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1302 553592 / 553785 of curcusleider Mr Tim Walker Tel: +44 (0) 1302 553851 / 553553. Onze website is http://www.don.ac.uk/international

Monday 11 April 2011

English Summer School 2011 at Doncaster College

We're now recruiting for this year's English Summer School which will run from 27th June to 22nd July and costs £150 per week.

Please contact us if you would like more information.

You can download our Learn English brochure, which includes Summer School information by clicking the image above.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Students from Fah Moda complete placement

This spring Doncaster College welcomed another 4 students from Fah Moda Academy of Fashion & Design, Hannover to undertake a placement in the Fashion department as part of their degree course in Germany.

Anna (right) commented:

“We liked High Melton, and we were pleased with the facilities here. I found the LRC really useful – there was a good variety of books, and plenty in my field of Fashion which I found really useful.

The accommodation was good, and we were pleased that there were good transport links to the town centre.

Our study exchange was a good experience for us – we learned lots of things that will help us with our course in Germany, and found lots of inspiration here. The teachers were all really nice – we received a warm welcome from them and the international office, and we were pleased to meet some English students who we met whilst studying at The Hub.”

Monday 21 February 2011

'Reach out to China' project launched

As a result of a request from one of Doncaster College's partner institutions in China, I have created a Facebook group with the goal of putting British students in touch with Chinese students.

Here are the details:

Ever wondered what life is like in China? Would you like to make friends with a Chinese person, or even improve your Chinese? Thinking of visiting there one day?

Reach out to China is a project to bring British and Chinese students together.

There are lots of Chinese students who would love to make friends with British students (and also non-students) and share their experiences and to help them with their language skills.

They'd like to know more about English culture and are looking for nice people in Britain to make friends with.

Facebook is restricted in China which means it is difficult for Chinese students to make contact with people in the UK.

Please join the group if you are interested and I will be able to put you in touch with a student in China!