Friday 17 December 2010

Doncaster College win International Business Award

On Thursday 16th December Doncaster College won the Doncaster Chamber International Business Award for 2010. The event was attended by 650 guests and business members of the Doncaster Chamber of Commerce. The award ceremony was held at the Doncaster Dome; Harry Gration was compere at the event.

George Trow, Principal and Chief Executive of Doncaster College, said: "The International Team deserved the award for their professionalism and the judges commented on the high quality of the provision after visiting the University Centre at High Melton and the whole college approach to teamwork in International provision.

"Another great testimony to the outstanding work done in the College, I am sure you will all want to pass on your congratulations to Barbara Brodigan, Claire Wheeler and Ben Hales for all their efforts on our behalf."

The International Office, based at University Centre Doncaster, works with many partners around the globe.

Monday 22 November 2010

Pavilion Health & Fitness Centre, High Melton

Update 22:11:10 - the gym will now be free for staff and students up until Christmas! Please make use of it as best you can to keep it going!
Update 17:01:11 - the prices for 2011 are just £1 per visit, or £5 for a two week pass. The new opening times are as follows:
Monday - 11am - 1pm 5pm - 8pm
Tuesday - 11am - 1pm 5pm - 8pm
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday - 11am - 1pm 5pm - 8pm
Friday - 11am - 1pm 5pm - 8pm

Monday 8 November 2010

Photos of High Melton - October 2010

Here are some photographs of High Melton woods and golf course, taken by work experience student Ole Dethmann from Lubeck, Germany.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

15:12:10 - Christmas Carol Concert @ High Melton

The annual Christmas Carol concert will take place at St. James church, High Melton on Wednesday 15th December at 12:00 noon until 1:00pm.

Everyone is welcome - coffee and warm mince pies served after the service.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Barnburgh Surgery - information for residential students who need to see doctor

Students living at High Melton who need to see a GP can visit the nearest local doctor's surgery as a temporary patient. It is called Barnburgh Surgery, located in the village of Barnburgh, a short distance by bus. Students who need to see a doctor and don't live on campus click here for information.

Please contact the International Office or Carole Cutts, the accommodation manager to book an appointment, or you can call direct on 0844 5769101.

The opening times are:
Monday: 8am-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-6pm
Wednesday: 8am-7pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday / Sunday: Closed

The bus times from High Melton to Barnburgh are as follows:
09:36 then every 6 and 36 minutes past the hour until 14:46, then
The journey is less than 10 minutes.


Monday 6 September 2010

St. Leger Festival Week

This year the St Leger Festival Week runs from 3th to 12th September, with the race meeting taking place from the 8th to 11th September Doncaster-racecourse. There will be a huge range of events and activities taking place in Doncaster for you to enjoy. Download the map and events listing pdf's below:

St Leger Festival Week Map
St Leger Festival Week Events Listing

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Friday 16 April 2010

New bus times between Doncaster and High Melton

Updated 13rd February 2012. See here for details of other routes.

Monday 22 March 2010

New website: Doncaster Student Nation

Here is a great new social networking site that "aims to encourage an interaction between students of all nationalities that attend High Melton University Centre and Doncaster College"
It has been created by BA (Hons) English students - take a look at

German students' visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Thursday 11 February 2010

Registering with a dentist (and seeing an emergency dentist)

If you would like to register with a dentist you will need to visit or call the Doncaster Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS) which is based at the Health Focus shop in the town centre - see map. Their telephone number is 01302 768550.
If you need to see a dentist urgently, and you are in pain, you can call the Dearne Valley Dental Helpline on 0845 155 0845 who will be able to help.

Monday 4 January 2010

Wifi settings for connecting to the Doncaster College wireless network

Hi everyone,

Here are the setting that you need to have in order to access the college's wifi network:

· IP Address – set to DHCP
· SSID – Resnet (Note the capital R)
· 128 Bit WEP Key (password) – 101010101010101010deadfeed (this is basically 9 x “10” characters followed by deadfeed)
· Internet Proxy Port 8080

You will also need to enter your Doncaster College username and password